Financial Impact Of The Medicines Patent Pool: I-MAK/ITPC Counter Analysis
We prepared the following analysis as a response to claims made by the MPP about its economic benefits.
Read the latest reports, briefs, and resources from I-MAK:
Financial Impact Of The Medicines Patent Pool: I-MAK/ITPC Counter Analysis
We prepared the following analysis as a response to claims made by the MPP about its economic benefits.
Measuring the Impact of Medicines Patent Pool Licenses: A Civil Society Assessment
Why UNITAID Matters for People Living with HIV/AIDS, TB and Malaria – Market Impact Report by the Civil Society Delegations Civil Society Assessment Presentation
Briefing Paper: Analysis Of The Patent Pool Licenses
Briefing Memo: Risks Of The Trans-Pacific Free Trade Agreement For Access To Medicines – Analysis Of The Leaked U.S. Paper Eliminating Patent Pre-Grant Opposition
A leaked U.S. paper recently circulated to countries negotiating the TransPacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) outlines the U.S. argument for eliminating “pre-grant opposition,” an important tool for preventing patent applicants from gaining patent monopolies based on weak or erroneous information, for improving the quality and efficiency of patent office examinations, and for safeguarding access to medicines.
Searching for Transparency: Improving Patent Information to Increase Access to Medicines
The ability of developing and least-developed countries to procure affordable generic medicines continues to be hampered by a lack of transparency in patent information. While there has been an increase in electronic patent information since TRIPS, much more still needs be done.
La impugnación de patentes: protección del dominio público y acceso a medicamentos asequibles”, Archipiélago, Cuadernos De Crítica De La Cultura (The Patent Challenge: Protecting the Public Domain and Access to Medicines, Archipielago Journal)
Original article in Spanish English translation
How To Conduct Patent Searches For Medicines – A Step By Step Guide
The purpose of this guide pubished by the WHO is to provide a starting point for health authorities, procurement bodies and others to identify whether patents relating to a pharmaceutical product exist in the country of interest.
Intellectual Property, Technology Transfer And Manufacture Of Low-Cost HPV Vaccines In India, Swathi Padmanabhan, Tahir Amin, Bhaven Sampat, Robert Cook-Deegan and Subhashini Chandrasekharan, Nature Biotechnology
An empirical study of the impact of patenting and licensing on regional manufacturing of human papilloma virus vaccines to help improve vaccine affordability and access.
HIV Drug Patents in China – A Patent Landscape
This report focuses on the HIV drug patent landscape in China. The patents included this landscape include key ARV patents that are likely to have a bearing on procurement decisions in China.
Expert Review Of Drug Patent Applications: Improving Health In The Developing World
Engaging outside experts in patent review could curtail the granting of unmerited patents, which can lead to high prices for essential drugs in resource-poor countries.
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